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Moustafa Kouyaté & Romain Malagnoux

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Find us on Putumayo World Café compilation

"A captivating musical celebrationfeaturing singer-songwriters from around the globe."

The album features captivating music from singer-songwirters from around the globe, including our song  “La ligne bleue”. 

It also includes a 16-page booklet with the stars artists’ 6 favorite régional recipes. 

Listen, order or download commandez the album right now!

A harmonious mix between melodies of traditional inspiration and folk rhythms

Of French origin, Romain Malagnoux, guitarist and singer, has been living in Quebec for 8 years. Inspired by the artistic work of Bassékou Kouyaté, he left for Mali and began taking lessons on the djeli n’goni (ancestor of the bandjo). It was by chance that Romain, a volunteer at the Timbuktu Desert Festival, met Bassékou Kouyaté, who invited him to have tea at home! 

Back in Bamako, Bassékou introduces him to his son, Moustafa Kouyaté. Between Romain and him, the musical chemistry operates at once. The project of realizing an album imposes itself. The result is a harmonious blend of traditional melodies and folk rhythms.

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La ligne bleue

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